Intense, that Republic over there... Unfathomable, this Republic over here...
thought one:
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]---that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
* * * *
Guess who...! man, i don't like history sometimes.
thought three:
funny, we can moan and groan and pester God SO MUCH (though never, as it were, "enough") for something or some preakthrough... "Papaaaaaaá!!! Puh-leeeeeeeease! Aiyiyiyiyi! MISERICORDIA...!" (etc.)...
but then He answers and "Thank You" seems so banal. Even "THANK YOU!!!" just doesn't cut it... actually, even "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! PAPÁ!!!! THANK YOU!" is anemic.
how can our gratitude even begin to be proportionate? we're not capable of feelings so deep as to correspond to the Supreme Being, the Ultimate Reality, listening to our sniveling requests, however great in our eyes or selfless they may seem. Ay, and for Him to answer...?
so, bueno, thank You, Father. (what else can i say?!?) see my gratitude today...
thought four:
sweet San Sebastian... how much life becomes sublime when you give up (or even start thinking about the possibility that you are not entitled to) your rights...
~> I do not have the "right" to sleep. Just because I "need" it does not necesitate my right to it. Tell the single working mother in college that you have the "right" to 7 hours of sleep. Proclaim your "needs" to the missionary doctor working in a plague afflicted region... Explain how tired you get to the pastor with hundreds of afflicted, sin-ravaged sheep... surely a mother with sick kids and a newborn would understand... Tell God that you're TOO TIRED and thusly you are understandably entitled to a bit of bad humor due to sleep deprivation...
Sleep is a blinkin' gift from God. Wanna give some of it back to Him? (check THAT!) Try it and you'll see how your heart wells with gratitude for the sweetness of His provision.
~> I do not have the "right" to eat. Just because I "need" it does not necesitate my "right" to it. Tell the hungry in North Korea that you have a "right" to food. Explain your gastronomical "rights" to the malnutritioned kids whose parents couldn't care less.... to Terry Schiavo...
Tell God you're hungry and you want food RIGHT NOW or you're going to be in a bad mood until you get some...
Food, my Lord! thank You for this amazing abundance of deliciousness we are about to partake and those sweet and selfless hands that made it and the investment of the farmers to cultivate it and the competant infrastructure of the United States to get it to us, and the rain, Lord! the rain you sent to make it grow, and the sunshine (so beautiful!) that nurtured it, and Walmart for selling it so cheaply and my job for PAYING me so much (!) for that little i do and a stable economy that gives my money worth and the beloved ones with whom i eat and... this food! the nutrients contained therein- so packed full that being sick is a surprise, and i have to worry about getting fat, not getting anemia.....
bless God for His lessons on perspective. More of it, i say...
thought two:
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races, [applause]---that I am not nor ever have been in favor of making voters or jurors of negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will for ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And inasmuch as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
* * * *
Guess who...! man, i don't like history sometimes.
thought three:
funny, we can moan and groan and pester God SO MUCH (though never, as it were, "enough") for something or some preakthrough... "Papaaaaaaá!!! Puh-leeeeeeeease! Aiyiyiyiyi! MISERICORDIA...!" (etc.)...
but then He answers and "Thank You" seems so banal. Even "THANK YOU!!!" just doesn't cut it... actually, even "THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! PAPÁ!!!! THANK YOU!" is anemic.
how can our gratitude even begin to be proportionate? we're not capable of feelings so deep as to correspond to the Supreme Being, the Ultimate Reality, listening to our sniveling requests, however great in our eyes or selfless they may seem. Ay, and for Him to answer...?
so, bueno, thank You, Father. (what else can i say?!?) see my gratitude today...
thought four:
sweet San Sebastian... how much life becomes sublime when you give up (or even start thinking about the possibility that you are not entitled to) your rights...
~> I do not have the "right" to sleep. Just because I "need" it does not necesitate my right to it. Tell the single working mother in college that you have the "right" to 7 hours of sleep. Proclaim your "needs" to the missionary doctor working in a plague afflicted region... Explain how tired you get to the pastor with hundreds of afflicted, sin-ravaged sheep... surely a mother with sick kids and a newborn would understand... Tell God that you're TOO TIRED and thusly you are understandably entitled to a bit of bad humor due to sleep deprivation...
Sleep is a blinkin' gift from God. Wanna give some of it back to Him? (check THAT!) Try it and you'll see how your heart wells with gratitude for the sweetness of His provision.
~> I do not have the "right" to eat. Just because I "need" it does not necesitate my "right" to it. Tell the hungry in North Korea that you have a "right" to food. Explain your gastronomical "rights" to the malnutritioned kids whose parents couldn't care less.... to Terry Schiavo...
Tell God you're hungry and you want food RIGHT NOW or you're going to be in a bad mood until you get some...
Food, my Lord! thank You for this amazing abundance of deliciousness we are about to partake and those sweet and selfless hands that made it and the investment of the farmers to cultivate it and the competant infrastructure of the United States to get it to us, and the rain, Lord! the rain you sent to make it grow, and the sunshine (so beautiful!) that nurtured it, and Walmart for selling it so cheaply and my job for PAYING me so much (!) for that little i do and a stable economy that gives my money worth and the beloved ones with whom i eat and... this food! the nutrients contained therein- so packed full that being sick is a surprise, and i have to worry about getting fat, not getting anemia.....
bless God for His lessons on perspective. More of it, i say...
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