“One convinced against his will is of the same opinion still.”
Thought 1: On opinions
"Free speech is the cornerstone of our democracy, and free speech by definition requires protecting unpopular ideas. Since bad ideas are often unpopular, this will include protecting some bad ones — fighting them with good ideas, rather than threats… The world is not neatly divided into good people who deserve protection and irredeemably bad people who deserve anything they get; it is full of complicated, flawed human beings who can often be better..."
Thought 2: On bad actors
How do you respond to people who will not respect others until it hurts them not to?
...not nicely.
Thought 3:
How does thought 2 square with the teachings of Jesus to turn the other cheek?
Thinking about the concept of authority includes force (painful force) for the good. "ruling with a rod of iron"
Where do we have the authority to use force (in words, deeds), even when it hurts others? Can harshness be loving in the big picture?
Or is calm, measured response not the whole of "turning the other cheek", and there should be more aggressive, honest, confrontational love?.