09 enero 2025

Cold hearts, hot tears

 Thought 1: the devil as a hobgoblin

"One day the devil was in a very good humor because he had just finished a mirror which had this peculiar power: everything good and beautiful that was reflected in it seemed to dwindle to almost nothing at all, while everything that was worthless and ugly became most conspicuous and even uglier than ever. "

-The Snow Queen, Andersen

Thought 2: Innocense and Eternity in The Snow Queen

" As soon as the glass is lodged, Kay turns upon what he once held dear, thinking himself mature and “sensible.” He ridicules Gerda, rips apart their beloved roses after spotting “a crooked stem” and “a worm,” and mocks his grandmother behind her back as she tells the children once-beloved stories. Kay forgets his prayers and becomes obsessed with mathematical figures and stark orderliness. Kay’s “maturity” is a false maturity, paralleling the modern passage from a belief in wonder to the nihilistic rejection of anything that numbers can’t “prove.” The “sense” wrought by the shards removes Kay from the wonder he shared with Gerda and leaves him vulnerable to a frigid emptiness... "

Thought 3: 

"[The Snow Queen] lives in a frozen wasteland, throned beside a lake she calls the “mirror of Understanding.” This lake is no better than the goblin mirror — its surface is broken into thousands of ice chunks, passing off disintegration and fragmentation for “understanding” (rather than coherence and correspondence, which lead to true understanding).  When the Snow Queen beckons to Kay in his “sensible” state, he no longer has the inner sense to resist. " - Emelie Thomas

Thought 4:

" Gerda’s innocence is the shining light in this story.  Although she is rejected and marginalized by Kay, she does not become embittered or join Kay in his distorted sensibility. She maintains her inner sense, and with it, she chooses to see Kay as he is in essence — a dear friend in dire need of rescue. Gerda sees Kay the way Christ sees us, with an almighty affection, despite  our callousness and outright rejection."

-Emelie Thomas

Ties in so well to Christ as the great High Priest, interceding, not accusing. 

Thought 5: The devil and perspective 

"We have discussed previously the manner in which the Devil operates as a gateway into the unconscious, and not only that, but functions in the role of ‘accuser’; it is not the Devil himself in this universe who makes things ugly—indeed, nothing at all is being truly affected by the Devil’s doings—but rather the mirror, the perspective he provides. In his role as accuser he stands to diminish the significance of goodly, Godly things and leave the world instead a depraved and disappointing place, the imperfect world of gnostic belief rather than the perfect Kingdom of God.  "

-Spelling ETERNITY, the Alchemy of the Snow Queen 

08 enero 2025

The devil, the father of lies, on getting "in the room where it happens"

"Satan boldly alleged that these kingdoms were all delivered to him that he had power to dispose of them and all their glory, and to give them to whomsoever he will"...

"But I rather take it that he claimed this power ... as delivered to him not by the Lord, but by the kings and people of these kingdoms, who gave their power and honour to the devil, Eph. 2:2. Hence he is called the god of this world, and the prince of this world

It was promised to the Son of God that he should have the heathen for his inheritancePs. 2:8. “Why,” saith the devil, “the heathen are mine, are my subjects and votaries; but, however, they shall be thine, I will give them thee, upon condition that thou worship me for them, and say that they are the rewards which I have given thee, as others have done before thee (Hos. 2:12), and consent to have and hold them by, from, and under, me.”

-Matthew Henry's Commentary on Luke 4

05 enero 2025

Manna for the Hungry Soul

Deuteronomy 8:3 He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna, which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man does not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.

"Though God has appointed bread for the strengthening of man’s heart, and that is ordinarily made the staff of life, yet God can, when he pleases, command support and nourishment without it, and make something else, very unlikely, to answer the intention as well. We might live upon air if it were sanctified for that use by the word of God; for the means God ordinarily uses he is not tied to, but can perform his kind purposes to his people without them. Our Saviour quotes this scripture in answer to that temptation of Satan, Command that these stones be made bread. “What need of that?” says Christ; “my heavenly Father can keep me alive without bread,” Matt. 4:3, 4. Let none of God’s children distrust their Father, nor take any sinful indirect course for the supply of their own necessities; some way or other, God will provide for them in the way of duty and honest diligence, and verily they shall be fed."

- Matthew Henry's Commentary on Deut. 8:3 (quoted by Jesus in Luke 4:4)