all souls are of equal value, but not all souls are equally strategic.
thought two:
i still cannot (for the life of me) tell the difference between ô and ä. does ANYBODY hear a difference between the "ough" of OUGHt and the "a" of fAther? there IS no difference.... somebody's being reeeaally mean to a bunch of 1st graders.
thought three: (its a long one!)
I was looking through some Child Evangelism Fellowship materials today... very interesting: it had "how to lead a child to Christ" ("show him his need," "show him the way of salvation," "lead him to receive salvation," "help him find assurance of his salvation" and "encourage him to confess Christ to others") and emphasized that the child should demonstrate understanding and pray himself, which i thought was good. then i noticed at the bottom, a little seperate section entitled, "how to lead a child in consecration."
i was kind of confused... there, it said to "#1: question the child relative to his salvation, giving him opportunity to confess Christ to you. If he does not show clarity, he is not ready for consecration. Go over the steps for leading a child to Christ."
Then it said, "#2. If he is clear on the reality of his salvation, lead him to give himself to God by fully obeying what he knows God wants him to do. (Rom 12:1, 1 Cor. 6:19-20)"... "#3 Show him that the Holy Spirit, who lives in him, will make known through the Word of God what he wants him to do each day..."
#4: "Lead him in a prayer of dedication: 'Dear Lord Jesus, today i give myself to You. I want You to take control of my life. Help me live each day to please You. Help me be faithful in reading Your Word that i may know Your plan for me. Thank You for taking control of my life. Amen.' "
#5 "Help him to see that it is a sin to again take control of his life an that when he sins, he should confess it to God, trusting Him to forgive. he should then allow God to once more take control of his life (1 John 1:9, Prov. 3:5,6)."
ok, so i do all that every day, RIGHT?! is CEF really presenting "salvation" and "surrender" as two different things?!?!!? i thought consecration WAS what happened when somebody was saved... i sure didn't want my life anymore... Christ could have it. is it that wrong for CEF to split it up like that? am i being weird theologically?